One of the top frameworks for building web applications is React.js. It helps programmers to design interactive and SEO-friendly components. Features of React.js also increase upkeep and general productivity. Things are advanced thanks to the integration of the Material UI package in React.js projects.
Introduction to Material-UI:
To develop a user interface in our React applications, we can simply import and use several components from the Material-UI package. As a result, the developers can save a lot of time by not having to write everything from start.
Google’s guidelines for creating user interfaces served as a major source of inspiration for Material-UI widgets. Therefore, creating aesthetically appealing applications is simple for developers.
Make sure you have npm installed on your computer before beginning this guide. To obtain and install the necessary dependencies in our application, we will utilize npm. Code editors are also necessary. Visual Studio Code is used throughout the course.
Get Started:
Step 1: Set up a new project.
Enter the following command in a terminal or cmd window after navigating to the folder you want to create a React project in.
npx create-react-app material-ui-react
Open the folder in your code editor after the installation is finished. To start the development server, execute npm start. By going to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser, you can view the standard React application.
Step 2: Install Material-UI
To use the Material-various UI’s features or components, we must first install it. Make sure you are in the master folder for your application when you open your terminal.
npm install @material-ui/core
Step 3: Import Button and TextField in App.js
import {Button, TextField} from '@material-ui/core';
Step 4: Add following HTML…
<TextField id="email1" label="Email" variant="outlined" /> <Button color="primary" variant="contained"> Send code </Button>
Finally, save your codes and refresh the browser to check the implementation of UI.
The instruction above has taught us:
- The features of Material-UI.
- How to include dependencies for Material-UI in a ReactJS application.
- Use of Material-UI elements
We have also seen how simple it is to integrate Material-UI into React applications and create incredibly stunning websites. As a result, you may utilize this knowledge to create intricate apps that follow material design principles.