Maths Function in Javascript

Javascript is a built-in-object that provides functions and methods for mathematical calculation . Math is not a function or a constructor , but we can call Math as an Object .

Javascript Math is having number of functions and properties. Let us see them in detail:-


This method will round up the given number to the nearest integer. If the given number is an integer it will directly return the given number.

Syntax:- Math.round(num)


Math.round(6.5)   // output :- 7 

Math.round(6.2)   // output :- 6 

Math.round(5)   // output :- 5 


This method will return the value after multiplying the base with itself the exponent times.

Syntax:- Math.pow(base,exponent)


Math.pow(2,3)   // output :- 8 

Math.round(6,6)   // output :- 46656 

Math.round(5,3)   // output :- 125 


The square root of an integer is returned by the sqrt() JavaScript math method . It returns NaN if the supplied number is negative.

Syntax:- Math.sqrt(num)


Math.sqrt(4)   // output :- 2 

Math.sqrt(25)  // output :- 5

Math.sqrt(64)   // output :- 8

Math.sqrt(-4)    // output : NAN 


The abs() will return the absolute value of a given number.

Syntax:- Math.abs(num)


Math.abs(-4)   // output :- 4 

Math.abs('data') // output :- NaN

Math.abs('64')  // output :- 64

Math.abs('')  // output : 0


the ceil() method will increase the given number to the closed largest number and if the given number is integer then it will return the number directly

Syntax:- Math.ceil(num)


Math.ceil(0.2)   // output :- 1 

Math.ceil(6.4) // output :- 7

Math.ceil(-0.2)  // output :- 0

Math.ceil(-6.4)  // output : -6


the floor() method will decrease the given number to the closed smallest number and if the given number is an integer then it will return the number directly

Syntax:- Math.floor(num)


Math.floor(0.2)   // output :- 0 

Math.floor(6.4) // output :- 6

Math.floor(-0.2)  // output :- -1

Math.floor(-6.4)  // output : -7


the sin() method will return the sine of the given number . the return value will be in between -1 to 1

Syntax:- Math.floor(num)


Math.sin(0.2)   // output :- 0.19866933079506122 

Math.sin(6.4) // output :- 0.11654920485049364 

Math.sin(-0.2)  // output :- -0.19866933079506122 

Math.sin(-6.4)  // output :  -0.11654920485049364 


the cos() method will return the cosine of the given number. the return value will be in between -1 to 1

Syntax:- Math.floor(num)


Math.cos(0.2)   // output :- 0.9800665778412416 

Math.cos(6.4) // output :- 0.9931849187581926 

Math.cos(-0.2)  // output :- 0.9800665778412416

Math.cos(-6.4)  // output :  0.9931849187581926

Math.min() and Math.max():-

the min() method will return the minimum number from the given numbers whereas the max() method will return the maximum number from all the given values.

Syntax:- Math.max(num1,num2 ,………num n ) and Math.min(num1,num2 ,………num n )


Math.min(-10,-24,-12,-20, 22,34,12,15)   // output :- -24 

Math.max(-10,-24,-12,-20, 22,34,12,15) // output :- 34


The random() method will return the random number from  0 to 1 where 0 is included in the given range and 1 is not included

Syntax:- Math.random()


Math.random() // output :- 0.7541912847957812 

These are just a few examples, there are many other math functions available in JavaScript.

Thanks for reading hope this article helps you .

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