Release date and new features for Angular 15

Frontend developers will find it simpler to create client-side apps with the new Angular 15 version of the framework.

The Angular project is led by Google’s Minko Gechev, who has said that Angular 15 will be launched in November 16, 2022.

The Protractor testing framework will be phased out in the forthcoming version in November, along with a new method for composing UI logic and stabilised APIs for independent components. The release of Angular 15, which features substantial enhancements to the framework, is anticipated within the next few weeks. A team of engineers has been working diligently on the beta version of Angular 15 for the past several months.

The new features are summarised as follows:
  • Recycling UI logic
  • Image directives
  • Stable APIs for standalone components
  • Improved Zone.js debugging
  • Deprecation of Protractor, etc.

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