Common Uses Of Console Methods In JavaScript


Development tools for working with JavaScript and other web technologies are already embedded into modern browsers. These tools consist of the Console, which has a shell-like user interface, as well as ones for inspecting the DOM, debugging, and monitoring network traffic.

The Console lets you interact with a web page by running JavaScript expressions within the context of the page, as well as log information as part of the JavaScript development process. In essence, the Console gives you the flexibility to create, administer, and keep an eye on JavaScript at any time.

This article will cover working with the Console and JavaScript in a browser’s environment and give you a rundown of other built-in development tools you might utilize during the course of developing a website.

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JavaScript’s console.log() function can be used to print any previously defined variables or to simply print any message that needs to be displayed to the user.


The Web console receives a warning message via the console.warn() method.


To display an error message on the console in HTML, use the console.error() method. For testing purposes, we use the console.error() method. The parameter is passed to the console.error() method is the error message.


A built-in application programming interface of the console module, the console.table() method prints the table created from its parameters into the console.


If the assertion is incorrect, the console.assert() method outputs an error message. If the claim is accurate, nothing happens.

console.time() with console.timeEnd()

The time() and timeEnd() methods on the console object are useful for evaluating how well your code is performing. You first call console.time() with a string argument, then you call console.timeEnd() with the same string argument after testing the code. The time it took to run the code will subsequently be displayed in the browser console.

The web console’s informational message is displayed using this console technique.


The trace() method shows a track of how the code arrived at a particular location.


The number of times the console.count() function has been called is recorded using the HTML console.count() method. A label that will be shown in the console view can be given to the console.count() method. The console.count() method accepts an optional label parameter.

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