In this article, we will learn how to create a digital signature in reactjs.
–First of all, we have to create react application.
We have to create a digital signature using the react-sketch-canvas package.
Then add react-sketch-canvas npm
npm i react-sketch-canvas
-Now add the below code in app.js file :
import './App.css'; import * as React from 'react'; import { useState } from 'react'; import { ReactSketchCanvas } from 'react-sketch-canvas'; function App() { const styles = { border: '0.0625rem solid #9c9c9c', borderRadius: '0.25rem', }; const canvas = React.createRef(); const [image, setImage] = useState() return ( <> <ReactSketchCanvas style={styles} width="600" height="400" strokeWidth={4} strokeColor="black" ref={canvas} /> <button onClick={() => { console.log(canvas) canvas.current.exportImage("png") .then(data => { console.log(data); setImage(data) }) .catch(e => { console.log(e); }); }} > Get Image </button> <button onClick={() => { canvas.current.clearCanvas() }} > Clear Image </button> <img src = {image} /> </> ); } export default App;
-Using react-sketch-canvas you have to customize the style.