Difference Between Primary Key and Foreign Key

What Is Primary Key?

A Primary key frequently emphasises the table’s oneness. Every row in the database is uniquely linked by a column or group of columns. It shouldn’t contain any duplicate values, according to this. also, it does not have a NULL value.

What Is Foreign Key?

Typically, a foreign key is utilised to establish a connection between the two tables. To maintain data integrity between two different instances of an object, the foreign key’s primary function is to be

 SR.No Primary Key Foreign Key
1 A Primary key often emphasises the table’s uniqueness. It guarantees that the value in that particular column is distinct. Typically, a foreign key is utilised to establish a connection between the two tables.
2 Table allows only one primary key. Tables support multiple foreign keys.
3 The primary key doesn’t allow null values. Foreign key accepts multiple null values.
4 It is capable of uniquely identifying the record in the database table. A field in a table that serves as the main key in another table is known as a foreign key.
5 The value in the primary key cannot be deleted from the parent table. This allows for the deletion of the value from the child table.
6 The temporary tables can be used to specify its restriction totally. It is not possible to define its restriction on either the global or local temporary tables.

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