How Does An Angular Application Work?

An Angular application is a client-side web application that creates web pages using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and a component-based design. Here is an illustration of an Angular application in action:

  1. A URL is typed into the browser to send a request to the server for a web page.
  2. The index.html file for the Angular application is sent from the server to the browser. The JavaScript and CSS files required to operate the application are included in this file, which also serves as the application’s container.
  3. The application’s root component, which is defined in the index.html file, is instantiated after the Angular framework has been loaded in the browser.
  4. The browser renders the root component’s template, which also contains other nested components. Each component has a unique typescript class with a corresponding template and logic.
  5. The class for the component defines the data, methods, and event handlers that are used by the template and also provides the logic for the component. The component accesses the server’s data through a service and stores it in the component’s attributes.
  6. The component’s event handler is called when a user interacts with the application, such as by clicking a button, which alters the component’s properties and re-renders the template.
  7. The component’s template binds the component’s properties to the template and renders the data in the browser using Angular’s template syntax, such as *ngFor and *ngIf.
  8. The component’s properties are continuously monitored by Angular’s change detection mechanism, which updates the necessary portions of the template when it notices a change so that the user may view the updated information without having to refresh the entire page.

This is a basic illustration of how an Angular application functions, but the framework offers a wide range of additional features and resources to create sophisticated online apps.


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