For this, we have to create angular application and navigate to the project root using below command :
ng new star-rating-example
cd star-rating-example
Now, install NGBootstrap in project using below command :
ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap
In app.component.ts file :
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'] }) export class AppComponent { starRating = 0; }
In app.component.html file:
<h2>Angular Star Rating</h2> <ngb-rating [max]="5" [(rate)]="starRating" [readonly]="false"></ngb-rating>
In app.component.css file:
ngb-rating { color: #FFC107; font-size: 80px; }
Now, Run the application:
npm start