How To Generate Unique Id With React-UUID

Hello guys, in this article we will be demonstrating how to generate a unique id with the use of react-uuid library

1. Introduction to React-UUID

React-UUID is a small library that generates unique identifiers (UUIDs) for your React components. UUIDs are commonly used in software development to uniquely identify objects or entities in a system, and they are particularly useful in React applications when you need to generate unique keys for dynamic lists.

The React-UUID library provides a simple API for generating UUIDs in your React components. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any additional dependencies, making it a popular choice among React developers.

2. Why Use React-UUID?

In React applications, unique identifiers are often needed when rendering lists of dynamic content. For example, if you’re building an e-commerce site and want to display a list of products, each product will need a unique identifier to ensure that React can properly update the list when items are added, removed, or modified.

React-UUID provides a simple way to generate these unique identifiers in your React components. By using UUIDs instead of relying on less reliable methods like array indices or randomly generated keys, you can ensure that your lists will be updated correctly and avoid hard-to-debug issues caused by duplicate keys.

3 . How to Use React-UUID

Using React-UUID is simple. First, you’ll need to install it in your project using a package manager like npm or yarn. To install React-UUID, run the following command:

npm install react-uuid

Once you’ve installed React-UUID, you can use it in your React components by importing it and calling the uuid() function. Here’s an example:

import React from 'react';
import { uuid } from 'react-uuid';

function ProductList({ products }) {
  return (
      { => (
        <li key={uuid()}>

In this example, we’re rendering a list of products and using the uuid() function to generate a unique key for each item in the list. By passing the result of uuid() as the key prop for each list item, we can ensure that React can properly update the list when items are added, removed, or modified.

You can also use React-UUID to generate unique identifiers for other purposes in your React components. For example, you might use it to generate a unique ID for a form field or to generate a unique class name for a component.

import React from 'react';
import { uuid } from 'react-uuid';

function FormField({ label, name, type }) {
  const id = uuid();
  const className = `form-field-${id}`;

  return (
    <div className={className}>
      <label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>
      <input type={type} name={name} id={id} />

In this example, we’re using React-UUID to generate a unique ID for a form field and a unique class name for the containing div element. This ensures that each form field will have a unique ID and class name, which can be useful for styling or JavaScript interactions.


React-UUID is a simple yet powerful library for generating unique identifiers in your React components. By using UUIDs instead of relying on less reliable methods like array indices or randomly generated keys, you can ensure that your lists will be updated correctly and avoid hard-to

That’s it for now. for any query feel free to raise your query in comment section

Thanks for reading. See you in the next article.

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