How To Install Elasticsearch and Java SDK On Windows

In this article, we will show how to install Elasticsearch on Windows operating system.


  • Elasticsearch 7.13.2


Elasticsearch requires Java 8 (or later) installation to run. If you haven’t installed Java yet, Don’t worry, we will set it up in this article.

How to Install Java on Windows:

This step gives you an understanding of how to set up Java on the Windows operating system. Download java8 version from oracle official downloads. Where you can find several versions and operating systems.

Download the above .exe file.

Install Java8 On Windows:

Go to your downloads folder, and double click on the .exe file.

Click on Next > to proceed :

If you want to change JDK installing location then choose your custom location by clicking on the Change button and then click on Next and Then the setup process continuing…

We can confirm that by seeing the above screen, Java 8 has been installed successfully on your Windows Operating system.

Now, this is the time to setup JAVA_HOME on windows,

In this step, I am going to show you how to set  JAVA_HOME on Windows10 operating system.

  • It will take several steps to create  JAVA_HOME.
    Open Environment Variables :
    Search for Advanced System Settings in the Search box like below:by selecting the above Advanced System Settings, you can see the below System Properties window.
    Click on Environment Variables >Click on the New button under the System variables session to create JAVA_HOME :

    Enter variable name as “JAVA_HOME”, give variable value as your JDK path, and click Ok.

    Test :
    Open the command prompt and execute the below  commands:

Install Elasticsearch on Windows

Firstly, Follow the below steps to download and install Elasticsearch.

  1. Get Elasticsearch:

    Download the latest Elasticsearchthe from the official website. Usually, it will be available as a .zip file.

  2. Install Elasticsearch

    The file will be download, upon clicking the above-highlighted URL. Extract the downloaded file; then you would see the below folder structure.

    /bin folder contains all binaries required to run Elasticsearch.

    /config folder contains all configuration properties related to Elasticsearch, Java, and user settings.

  3. Start Elasticsearch:Once the downloading process completed; now we can start the Elasticsearch from the command line.

    If everything went well, the command line terminal would display output similar to the following:

Elasticsearch loads the configuration details from an elasticsearch.yml file while running it. If you wanted to change the configurations; you always free to change them from the elasticsearch.yml file or you can even provide parameters while executing the elasticsearch.exe file.

Checking Elasticsearch is running:

Secondly, You can test that your Elasticsearch node is running by sending an HTTP request to port 9200 on localhost:

I hope you guys understand how I can do this.  Let me know if you face any difficulties.

You can watch my previous blog here.

Happy Coding {;} ????

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