How To Install SQLite On Windows 11

A compact and standalone database engine is SQLite. SQLite doesn’t run any server and backend processes or services, unlike SQL Server, Oracle, and other big databases. Any application can directly access a single file by utilising its full path because it contains both the data and the data objects. The file is kept in the same place on the file system as other files.

A serverless, zero-configuration database is SQLite. This means that, aside from setting up a path in the configurations, the database engine does not require any configuration or running a server.

SQLite is created in C and accessible from the file system as a file. On Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, SQLite can be used.

SQLite is simple to install. Simply download the zip files, then unzip them in a folder. To install a SQLite database on Windows, follow these steps.


Step 1

When you want your SQLLite files to be downloaded and copied, create a folder called sqllite on your C: or another drive.

In my situation, I’ll make a folder called “C:sqllite” and put the downloaded file inside of it.


Step 2 – Download SQLLite

Go to the SQLite download page here.


Download Win64 or Win32 libraries, then locate Precompiled Binaries in the Windows area.


Step 3

Get sqlite-dll-win64 here. similar to sqlite-dll-win32. based on whether you are using Windows 64 or 32. Additionally, download the zip files for the sqllite-tools-win32-x86-… folder.


Step 4

In your folder, unzip the aforementioned files. Ensure that the folder’s root is where you unzip the files. Move them to the root folder if they were unzipped in a subfolder.

You should see the following 5 files in the folder.



Three exes are present, as can be seen from the list of files above: sqldiff.exe, sqlite3.exe, and sqlite3 analyzer.exe.

Just that. The time has come to use SQLite.


Step 5

In order to launch the database from the command prompt, double-click sqlite3.exe.



Type “.help” and hit ENTER on the command prompt to load help instructions.



Step 6

The final step will likely involve adding this path to your computer’s PATH environment variable so you can run it from the command line.

Add a new Variable to the Path environment variable by going to System > About > Advanced Settings > Path Variable.

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