How To Load Custom JS And CSS File On Component Using React.js


In this article, we will learn how to load custom JS and CSS files on a component and Create Element (Script or Link) using React.js.

Sometimes it will be used to add CSS or JS files in index.html for the particular component.

Let’s Begin.

Custom CSS file load on component

const cssFile = document.createElement("link");
cssFile.href = "/dist/css/dashboard.min.css";// your css file path
cssFile.rel = "stylesheet";

Custom JS file load on Component

const scriptFile = document.createElement("script");
scriptFile .src = "/dist/js/pages/dashboard.min.js";//your js file path
//scriptFile .async = true;

Apply in Dashboard.js using class component

 export default class Dashboard extends Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        const cssFile = document.createElement("link"); 
        cssFile.href = "/dist/css/dashboard.min.css";// your css file path 
        cssFile.rel = "stylesheet"; 

        const scriptFile = document.createElement("script"); 
        scriptFile .src = "/dist/js/pages/dashboard.min.js"; //your js file path 
        //scriptFile .async = true; 
    render() {
        return (

Apply In Dashboard.js using functional component

const Dashboard = () => {
    useEffect(() => {
        const cssFile = document.createElement("link");
        cssFile.href = "/dist/css/dashboard.min.css";// your css file path 
        cssFile.rel = "stylesheet";

        const scriptFile = document.createElement("script");
        scriptFile.src = "/dist/js/pages/dashboard.min.js"; //your js file path 
        //scriptFile .async = true; 
export default Dashboard;

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Thank you.

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