The ability to protect a file or folder is an important feature of the Windows family. The Windows 10 feature that allows us to protect a file or folder is also quite helpful for protecting our documents from fraudsters.
If we happen to have to share our laptop with another person and we do not want to share our documents with him/her, we can safeguard our papers using a number of methods, including modifying a file or folder’s permissions, utilising command prompt (Cmd), and using any third-party programme.
This guide will demonstrate several methods for protecting your files and folders in Windows 10.
Method 1. By Changing the Permission of Files and Folders
Users can secure their documents by altering a file’s and folder’s permissions. To continue, adhere to the directions listed below.
Step 7
Anyone attempting to open this restricted file or folder will now see a screen with the message “Access Denied Error” on it.
Method 2. Changing the File Format and Extension
Approach 3. New Drive (Partition) Creation and Hide
To continue, adhere to the directions listed below.
Step 1
Start by reducing the current hard disc before creating a new one (volume).
Step 2
Then, hide the newly created hard drive (volume).
Method 4. Using Command Prompt (Cmd)
Users are able to secure their files and folders with the aid of the command prompt. To proceed, adhere to the directions below.
Any of the aforementioned procedures can be used to secure your Windows 10 files and folders.
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