How to Read XML file and XML String through SQL Stored Procedure

In this article, I’ll describe how to retrieve XML data from an XML file using a SQL stored procedure. Visit this page to learn more about SQL Server.

Stored Procedure for reading XML File

  • Above XMLFile.xml which contain the XML file data.
    <designation>System Analyst</designation>l
  • The aforementioned stored function USP READXMLFILE reads the XML file from the designated location and saves it in a variable called @XMLDOC.
  • The built-in function SP XML PREPAREDOCUMENT is then used to parse the XML data in order to produce a handle.
  • Then, using a supplied path and the OPENXML function, data is extracted from the XML document and stored in a table-like structure with the columns “name” , “Address” , “designation” specified.
  • This makes it simple to query and process the data within the stored method.
  • The xml file will be read from the location d:TestXML.xml when you run this stored procedure.
  • If you want to read from a different location, the path should be modified accordingly.
  • It’s also critical to note that this stored procedure is primarily intended to read a specific type of XML, and that your XML file structure must be taken into account while updating the path and column structure.

Stored Procedure for reading data from XML String

   @XMLDOC2    XML
         SELECT * FROM OPENXML(@HANDLE, '/DataSet/tblEmployee', 3)
         WITH (name VARCHAR(50),Address VARCHAR(100),designation VARCHAR(50))
  • The XML string is read by the aforementioned stored method USP READXMLString and saved in the variable @XMLDOC2.
  • The XML data is then parsed using the built-in function SP XML PREPAREDOCUMENT to provide a handle.
  • The data is then extracted from the XML document using the OPENXML function and stored in a table-like structure with the columns “name” ,”Address” “designation” given.
  • This makes it simple to query and process the data within the stored method.

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