Icomoon – Icon Font & SVG Icon Sets


Advanced iconography tools include the IcoMoon app. You may use it to organize your symbol collections, categorize your icon files, or add tags to your icon files to make them searchable. In addition to typefaces, you may create icons in whatever size and color you choose in PNGs, SVGs, Polymer icons, PDFs, CSH, XAML, and CSS sprites.

What IcoMoon means in CSS?

IcoMoon is an icon solution that offers three major services: hosting icons as SVGs or fonts, vector icon packs, and the IcoMoon App.

IcoMoon: Is it free to use?

Each icon pack in IcoMoon’s collection has a licensing link. The IcoMoon program does not require a license if you are using your own vectors.

How to start using Icomoon

  • Start a profile on Icomoon

    To set up your icon font collection, you need an Icomoon account. To register for an account or sign in to one you already have, go to the registration page.

  • Make a new project

    1. Click the Icomoon App button on the home page to launch the app.
    2. By selecting Manage projects from the menu after clicking on it, you may access the Projects panel. As an alternative, you may log in and go directly to the project’s Website.
  • Set up your icon font collection

    1. Click Load to the right of your project on the project screen.
    2. Click Add icons from the font library, then choose the necessary library.
    3. Choose the icons from the collection that you want to add to your typeface library.
    4. At the bottom of the page, select Create font.
  • Download the JSON files and the icon font

    To get the icon font files and the JSON file:

    1. Open the Projects screen.
    2. To the right of the project, select Load.
    3. In the lower right corner of the screen, select Create font.
    4. At the bottom right of the screen, select Download.
    5. You will receive a .zip file as a result.
  • Extract the icon font and JSON files from the zip package

    After the .zip file’s download from Icomoon

    To extract the fonts and JSON, unzip the file (shown below)
    Just the Fonts folder should be included in a new.zip file. You will upload this to DX8.
    You’ll submit JSON to DX8 in the selection.json file


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