Implement Time Picker In React JS

In this article, we will implement react-time-picker in react js.

First, we should install react-time-picker in our application

npm i react-time-picker

Import this package into our application

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import TimePicker from 'react-time-picker';

You can see how to implement react-time-picker

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import TimePicker from 'react-time-picker';

export default function TimePicker1() {
    const [value, onChange] = useState('10:00');
  return (
      <TimePicker onChange={onChange} value={value} />

Here is a list of props you can give the component.

When a valid time is selected by the user, the function is called.
When the clock expires, a function is called.
whether date input ought to be necessary.
The longest period the user can choose.
The earliest date that the user may choose.
How specific the time selection should be. Possibly “hour,” “minute,” or “second.”
Based on Unicode Technical Standard #35 for input format. The following values are supported: H, HH, h, hh, m, mm, s, ss, and a.

You can see below the output

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