Introduction to Webpack


A popular library among contemporary frontend-based apps is Webpack. It is one of the widely used bundlers for javascript. It has been in use for ten years and has seen combat. The majority of full-featured frontend frameworks, including NextJS and Gatsby, by default use Webpack for bundling and compilation. When you inquire about webpack, most people will respond that it is a javascript bundler. Only the inquisitive may be able to provide an adequate response if you ask more detailed questions like why we require a javascript bundler and how it functions. Nobody is at fault; current frontend frameworks are designed so that you don’t have to worry about what goes on behind the scenes.

If we use the create-react-app library as an example, it takes care of configuring the bundler and transpilers for ReactJS applications. With ReactJS skills, developers may start creating the application right away. One has to have a clear mental representation of how each of these libraries functions if they wish to master the art of creating front-end apps that are quick and performant. In this post, we’ll discuss the necessity for javascript bundlers in general and examine the inner workings of webpack, one of the most well-liked bundlers.

how webpack functions?

An event-driven plugin-based compiler is called Webpack. It follows that each stage in the life cycle of webpack, which is used to bundle the files, may be thought of as an event. We may include a plugin that will pay attention to these various events and take appropriate action. There are certain default plugins handling some essential operations, therefore plugins may also be used to add the default functionality.

Say there are five ways to approach the life cycle.

resolve, parse, bundle, and compilation-end are the steps in a compilation.

The integration of the plugins allows for both listening to these events and performing operations on the source code files. The essential tasks will be carried out by a few integrated default plugins.

Any architecture based on plugins may be created in a similar way, have a life cycle for each feature, and add custom event handlers (which can be thought of as plugins) to be used at various stages of the life cycle.

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