Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation in Angular

Real-time compilation, also known as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, is a feature of the Angular framework that allows developers to write and test code in the browser, without the need to manually rebuild and deploy the application. This makes the development process faster and more efficient, as changes to the code can be immediately tested and debugged into the browser.

In Angular, the JIT compiler is responsible for converting the component’s templates and component classes into executable JavaScript code. When the application is first loaded, the compiler converts the templates and component classes into JavaScript code and stores it in memory. This allows the application to be executed quickly and efficiently, without the need to constantly rebuild and deploy the code.

One of the benefits of real-time compilation is that it allows developers to see the results of their code changes immediately, without having to rebuild and deploy the application. This makes it easier to debug and test code, as changes can be made and tested in real-time.
Another benefit of real-time compilation is that it allows for faster build times, as the compiler only needs to rebuild and deploy the code when there are significant changes to the application. This can help to improve the overall performance of the application, as it reduces the time required to build and deploy the code.

Overall, real-time compilation is a powerful feature of the Angular framework that allows developers to write and test code quickly and efficiently, without the need to constantly rebuild and deploy the application. It is an essential tool for modern web development and is one of the key reasons why Angular is such a popular framework for building web applications.

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