Types Of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)


This article describes the different forms of CSS and how we may utilise them in web applications.

Types of CSS and CSS itself

CSS, or cascading style sheets, is an acronym. Typically, it is used to show HTML in a variety of views. It is utilised to create the HTML view. A selector and a declaration work together to create CSS.

What are the selector and declaration?

A declaration combines a property and a value, whereas a selector is an HTML tag used for a style.

The predefined property of the declaration is valued according to our needs. If we want to customise the font colour, back colour, and font size, we can do so by separating the properties with a colon if we have a number of them. We have a variety of CSS attributes for this. They must be separated by a colon  in order to be specified in CSS.

Three CSS subtypes exist:

  1.  Inline CSS.
  2.  Internal CSS.
  3.  External CSS.

Inline CSS

Every style content for Inline CSS is in HTML elements. It only applies to a small portion. We can utilise inline CSS whenever our requirements are extremely minimal.

Only a single element will be affected. Since distinct HTML tags must have different views, inline Cascading Style Sheets are used.
The use of inline Cascading Style Sheets has a drawback. It needs to be mentioned on each HTML tag. That takes a lot of effort, is not the ideal practise for a skilled programmer, and results in rather huge and complex code.

Below are some instances of inline CSS:

Internal CSS

In internal CSS, the head> section specifies the CSS style. This internal CSS has an impact on all the body section’s components. When we want a style to be utilised throughout the whole HTML body, internal CSS is employed. We may utilise the head tag’s style for that.

The entire HTML body is affected by the action of this style.

External CSS

We build a.css file for external CSS and utilise it in our HTML page as needed. When there are several HTML attributes that may be utilised as needed, external Cascading Style Sheets are typically employed; this eliminates the need to repeatedly recreate the CSS style in a body of HTML that inherits the CSS file’s properties. A CSS file can be created in two different methods. The first method involves writing the CSS code in Notepad and saving it as a.css file; the second involves adding the style sheet straight to our Solution Explorer and instructing Visual Studio to utilise it on our HTML page.

Creating and using an external CSS.

  1. Right-click on your application name in Visual Studio 2012.
  2. Publish a style sheet.
  3. Write your CSS code and save it.
  4. Drag the style sheet down to your HTML page after opening it.
  5. RUN and SAVE.


The many CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) formats used in web development were covered in this article.

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