What Is IIF Function In SQL Server ?

In this article, We will learn about the concept of the IIF() function in SQL servers.

IIF() Function

  • IIF() function introduced in SQL server 2012.
  • This function returns the value on the basis of a condition or expression written in the function.
  • IIF() function compose of the logical statement, the boolean expression that is known as the condition which is followed by a true and false expression.
  • IIF() function is the same as the WHEN and CASE expression. We can say that IIF() function is the shortened way to write CASE expression.


IIF(boolean_expressions, value_if_true, value_if_false)
   -- OR
IIF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)

Here IIF() function has three parameters as below,

Condition: It’s required. The expression that we have to check.

[ Note: If this argument is not a boolean expression then a syntax error is raised.]

value_if_true: It’s optional. The value that we want to return if the condition is true.

value_if_false: It’s optional. The value that we want to return if the condition is false.


select	e.EmployeeName
        ,IIF(e.Gender = 'm','Male','Female') Gender
From	tbl_Employee e

In the above example, “IIF(e.Gender = ‘m’, ‘Male’, ‘Female’) Gender”  will return the value ‘Male’ if the condition is true and it will return the value ‘Female’ if the condition is false.


I hope you guys found this useful article and help you to understand the concept of the IIF() function in SQL servers.

Thank you.


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