Why We Use Stored Procedures (SP)

Stored Procedures (SP) are SQL statements that are stored in databases and may be run again by invoking the procedure name. SPs are capable of accepting input parameters, performing sophisticated data operations, and returning output parameters or result sets.

Here are some of the reasons we utilise Stored Procedures:

Increased database performance: By lowering network traffic and improving query execution, stored procedures can enhance database performance. When you invoke a Stored Procedure, the query plan has already been constructed, making it quicker than conducting an ad hoc query. Stored Procedures can also be stored in memory, minimising the need to recompile the query plan every time.

Business logic encapsulation: Stored Procedures allow you to encapsulate business logic within the database, making your application more manageable and safe. You can restrict database table access and expose just the Stored Procedures that conduct the necessary tasks.

Stored Procedures can help to maintain consistency and reusability between applications. Instead of duplicating the code in each application, if you have a complicated data action that is utilised by numerous apps, you may develop a Stored Procedure once and reuse it across all applications.

Access control and security: Stored Procedures may provide a layer of security and access control to your database. You may restrict direct access to the underlying tables by granting specified users or roles execute rights on Stored Procedures.

Easier database maintenance and debugging: Because you can edit or troubleshoot the code in one location, Stored Procedures can make database maintenance and debugging easier. This is very useful when dealing with a huge database including sophisticated data processes.

In conclusion, Stored Procedures are a strong tool for improving database speed, encapsulating business logic, ensuring consistency, providing security and access control, and simplifying maintenance and troubleshooting.

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