WooCommerce REST API Integration In WordPress

In this article, we will learn about WooCommerce REST API integration in WordPress.

Step-1:  For API Integration go to the WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced (Nav Tab) > REST API.

Now, click on Create an API key button, and you get a Key details.

Step-2: Key details have three fields are described below :
  1.  Description: add a Friendly name to identify an API key.
  2.  User: who is the owner of created an API key.
  3.  Permissions: select any access type for the key. There is three access type :
    – Read access type
    – Write access type
    – Read/Write access type

After filling all fields click on Generate API key button, and WooCommerce creates API keys for that user.

Step-3: Now that keys have been generated, and you can see the fields that are described below :

      – Consumer Key

      – Consumer Secret keys

      – QRCode

      – Revoke API Key button.

Note: After API Key generated successfully. Make sure to copy your new keys now as the secret key will be hidden once you leave this page.
Step-4:  Now, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced (Nav Tab) > Legacy API.

Then, tick the Enable the legacy REST API checkbox and Save changes.

Thank You, I hope you find something useful here.

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